Saturday, February 19, 2011

Review of the Keurig Coffee Maker

Learn the ins and outs of the Keurig Coffee Maker to decide if it's right for you.

The Keurig Coffee Maker has revolutionized the world of home-brewed coffee makers and brought the coffee shop experience into your kitchen. Continuously increasing in popularity since first hitting the market, the Keurig Coffee Maker seems to be an across-the-board hit. But does it really live up to its reputation? Is the Keurig Coffee Maker the right choice for you? Read this review and form your own opinion, make an informed decision and purchase (or not) with confidence.

The Keurig company is a subsidiary of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters. They first came on the scene in 1998 and have since gone on to make the most popular single cup brewing system in North America. The technology of they use is a patented process. Although there are several other single cup brewing systems on the market, the Keurig ones are definitely at the top of the pack.

The science behind the Keurig Coffee Maker is what makes it unique. It is a single cup coffee pod brewing system. That means it brews just one cup of coffee at a time from Keurig's exclusive line of coffee pods called k-cups. This system offers an ease of use for the coffee brewer. There are no coffee beans to grind and no mess to clean up. Just pop a k-cup in, brew your coffee and toss the k-cup. That's it. It literally takes just seconds from start to finish. Brewing a traditional cup of coffee requires grinding beans, putting in filter, brewing the pot (which could take upwards of 10 minutes to brew an entire pot before it is ready for drinking) and then cleaning up and washing all of the parts when the coffee is gone.

There are many options when it comes to choosing your Keurig brewing system. All but the most basic, lowest-priced of these systems have a water reservoir which holds enough to make as much coffee as traditional coffee pot, typically 10 to 12 cups.

The Keurig Coffee Maker works by puncturing a top and bottom hole into the k-cup. Then, pressurized, pre-heated water from the reservoir flows through the k-cup and brews directly into a waiting coffee mug. It takes about 1 minute or less to get a cup of freshly-brewed coffee. Each cup of coffee brewed by Keurig coffee tastes as fresh as the first for a true gourmet cup of coffee coffee even afford. many of the systems that heat water at a certain level set for your wishes. With all systems on the basic ones, can also change the size of the cup, you supply the guarantees which the strength of the coffee will be corrected.

In addition to taste, one of the greatest benefits of the Keurig coffee>Maker is the wide variety of k-cups available. There are over 250 varieties of k-cups on the market with more being added on a nearly daily basis. This means that each member of a household can drink the type of coffee they most prefer, be it a strong Sumatran Extra Bold blend or a simple Breakfast Blend. K-Cups also offer a seemingly endless variety of flavored coffees as well as decaf options. Additionally, there are many varieties of teas and tea flavors offered in the k-cups. Two other fun offerings in the k-cup line are a variety of hot chocolates and a hot apple cider cup.

You may be concerned about the price of a Keurig Coffee Maker. Their brewing systems start at around $99 and can go up to as much as $250 or more. However, these prices really aren't much more than top-of-the-line traditional brewing method coffee pots. The k-cups cost about 45 to 55 cents per cup or more. While this is quite a bit more than the canned coffees found on grocery store shelves it is only slightly more than gourmet bean coffees. And the price per cup is certainly much less than a freshly-brewed cup of coffee from a coffee house while still providing that same great taste.

If you consider yourself a connoisseur of coffee, the Keurig Coffee Maker is definitely for you. And if you just like a cup of coffee to start your day but enjoy good coffee and an easy preparation, you'll certainly appreciate all that the Keurig Coffee Maker has to offer.

Tags : Keurig B70 West Bend 55109

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