Sunday, January 23, 2011

6 Health Benefits of Espresso

I love coffee and drink it regardless of the nutritional value. I was excited to recently read about the health benefits of coffee and espresso.

Espresso and coffee beans have anti-oxidants. These are the new buzz word around nutrition circles. These little micro-chemicals help repair your body after an illness or workout. They clean your blood and fight off illness.
I was surprised to learn that popping that espresso pod in the maker in the morning was actually helping me lose weight! The caffeine that boosts your metabolism, which in turn helps you burn off more calories. Plus, since coffee has low calories, it does not add anything to your daily count. Keep in mind that fancy drinks like Mochas and Latte's add lots of calories because of the sugar, chocolate, and milk added to them, so those don't count!
That same caffeine that helps you lose weight also helps you exercise. You get some extra energy (or the sensation of it) from the coffee and espresso which may allow you to workout longer or harder.
A more dramatic health benefit is that Harvard medical school did a study and found that those who drink coffee are 50% less likely to suffer from cancer. These included colon, rectal, and breast cancer. Wow, 50%!
Parkinson's disease is a debilitating disease that affects the central nervous systems. While it has not been proven conclusively, studies over the last 30 years have shown that coffee drinkers have a much lower risk at contracting Parkinson's Disease.
The liver is probably the hardest working organ in the body. It gets the unglamorous task of cleaning out our blood. Cirrhosis of the liver is a disease most often found in alcoholics where they are damaging the liver with excessive drinking. Studies have shown that regular coffee drinkers are 80% less likely to develop this condition.

While espresso and coffee are not a cure all, drinking just one espresso can help your health.

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