Friday, May 14, 2010

Ideas For a Coffee Maker Replacement

Most coffee makers are designed and built to last for many, many years. They are usually made of durable materials that can withstand several years of daily use, and even some abuse. However, no matter how expensive or heavy duty the brewer is, it will not last forever. Normal wear and tear, age, damage, and new innovation & technology will eventually force you to replace your brewer with a newer model.

Some common "symptoms" indicating that it is time for a coffee maker replacement is when it produces coffee with a slight after taste.

This is usually results from the residue left by previous brews and which cannot be cleaned thoroughly. When the appliance does not function as well as they did before like when it does not make coffee as quick as it used to, then that is another sign that it is time for replacement.

Another reason is when the coffee maker repair is much more expensive than buying a new machine. Why waste good money on repairing an old coffee machine when you can purchase a brand new one, at less cost at that? This however is not always the case. If it is only a simple case such as a broken carafe, then a simple coffee pot replacement will suffice; there is no need to replace the whole appliance.

Sometimes the reason for the machine replacement may even be as simple as the machine being too large. Older models used to be quite bulky and heavy. Automatic coffee makers such as a Braun coffee maker and espresso machines such as Delonghi take up too much counter space, and can be very inconvenient and difficult to maintain.

One solution to that problem is to replace the bulky coffee machine with a one cup coffee maker. There are a wide range of it available in the market. If you have a bigger budget, you can opt for single serve brewers such as the ones by Keurig, Tassimo or Nespresso. These single serve pod machines are small but durable, very easy to use and also very easy to maintain.

Moreover, they are not just functional but are also very stylish. They come in a variety of colors to fit in with your decor. For those with a smaller budget, a manual drip coffee maker is the solution, such as the Melitta Ready Set Joe, which are filter cones that fit onto your coffee mug.

They are small and compact and they are easy to take with you anywhere. They are economical too since they do not run on electricity. All you need is hot water and your coffee grounds to enjoy a fresh cup of coffee any time.

Visit : Cuisinart DCC-1100 Coffee maker Nespresso C100 Espresso Machine Cuisinart DCC-1200 coffee maker

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