Saturday, May 1, 2010

Review of Illy Espresso Memberships

Even though illy espresso is produced in Italy, it may be easily purchased online through many different coffee-related and general merchandise retailers. While some people might find it more prudent to seek out discounted illy coffee from large Internet discount retailers or auction sites like, there are some definite benefits to utilizing illy's website for your coffee purchases, particularly due to the special products and memberships not available from other merchants.

Illy sells several different types of coffee that are all for sale on their website, including ground coffee and espresso, whole bean coffee, illy espresso pods, and unique espresso capsules known as iperEspresso. These capsules contain 7 grams of ground espresso and are compatible with a FrancisFrancis espresso machine; there are a couple different models that can be purchased on illy's website. The allure of the iperEspresso capsules is that the perfect amount of grounds has already been measured out for your single serving of espresso, and due to its exclusive design, the grounds never touch the machine as the espresso is being brewed, allowing for your machine to stay in pristine condition.

A great way to save some money on illy coffee, particularly if you drink it regularly or purchase large amounts for an office setting, is by joining one of illy's two membership clubs. The coffee membership is a flexible option that allows you to set your own delivery schedule. Just specify how often you would like your coffee to be sent and in what roast and quantity (a two-can minimum is required for each shipment), and illy will do the rest for you. For each order of $75 or over, illy provides free shipping. When you enroll in the coffee membership club, you will receive a free coffee cup with illy's logo emblazoned on the side. It is important to make an informed decision before joining the illy coffee club and thoroughly examine how much coffee you consume on a monthly basis. The convenience of having two or more cans shipped to your each month is a viable option if you household drinks a large volume of coffee or if you are supplying coffee for an office environment, but if you do not drink a lot of coffee each month (or enjoy changing brands often), then the cost of buying large amounts of illy coffee on a regular basis may not be worth the membership benefits you reap.

If you drink illy coffee and have been considering purchasing either a Pasquini espresso machine or a Francis Francis espresso machine, an illy espresso membership has the opportunity to provide you with some significant savings. When you sign up for your introductory membership kit, you will receive one of three espresso machines (there are two FrancisFrancis machines and one Pasquini machine from which to choose), cappuccino cups, and a steaming pitcher, among other things. After you sign up for your introductory kit, you are obligated to purchase four cans of illy coffee for the next 12 months. After that point, you are not required to continue having illy delivered to your home if you do not wish. Because the introductory kits cost considerably less than the price of one of the featured espresso machines, you can save a great deal of money by using illy's website to enroll in this membership club; however, like the coffee membership club, you will need to determine if your coffee drinking habit necessitates the purchase of four cans of illy each month.

While large online retailers often boast low prices in order to sell merchandise, illy's website provides its loyal customers the opportunity to purchase one-of-a-kind products and membership clubs not found anywhere else.

Tags : Cuisinart DGB-600BC coffee maker Cuisinart DCC-1100 Coffee maker DeLonghi ESAM3300 Espresso machine

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