Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Cappuccino Machine Can Ensure a Fantastic Day

Though it began in Europe, cappuccino is now a favorite drink of most people in the United States. You may like it hot, while others may prefer it on ice. Although it originated in the European countries, it is now a part of American culture. The following will explain how a cappuccino machine can make for a great day.

For the Europeans, it was a drink that was most often consumed with the breakfast meal and not any other time during the day. They would change to espresso after breakfast. Things have even changed in Europe, they now drink cappuccino all day long.

North Americans began to really acquire the taste for it in the 1990's. At that time, you would have to visit specialty coffee houses in order to get a great cup. While it is popular everywhere in the United States, it is most popular in the Pacific Northwest.

Cappuccino freddo; the name of the iced version in the European countries. They however, do not put ice in their version, it has cold mild froth on the top. Only in North America does it have ice in the coffee.

There are times when the best cup of coffee you have ever had is that first one at home, and having your own machine will certainly make that a true statement. There are many different types of machines by many different manufacturers that you can choose from. Your biggest decision will be whether to get a manual or automatic machine.

When using your own machine at home, you can also choose to grind your own fresh coffee from beans, or use coffee that has been ground for you. There is nothing that tastes better than fresh ground coffee. If you are going to the trouble of making your own, why not go all out.

The easiest cup of coffee at home with a machine will be a completely automated machine. If you choose not to purchase one of this type, or perhaps you do not want to invest quite that much money, there are machines that operate semi-manually, and completely manually. A manual machine will require more work on your part.

Even though purchasing a manual machine will require more work for you, the cup of coffee may be the best you have every had. When you make that cup of coffee, you have more control by making it manually. Automatic machines will result in a slightly different taste.

Related : Cuisinart BGB600

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