Thursday, July 1, 2010

Espresso Machines - How to Make Delicious, Sumptuous, Tantalizing Coffee at Home

As a coffee lover, there is nothing more enjoyable for me than a cup of freshly brewed coffee the first thing in the morning. If you happen to be a coffee lover and don't currently own an espresso coffee machine, it is time for you to get one right away. If you do have one that is left to collect dust on the shelf, it's a good idea to get it running real soon. So what are the things to look out for when you are out shopping for an espresso coffee machine? There are plenty of choices out there, and it can get confusing at times.

It is helpful to categorize these machines by the amount to manual work that is necessary to get it up and running. The automatic espresso coffee machines are the ones that don't require any type of manual work at all to get it brewing. You just add coffee, water and everything else you want included and then you start brewing with the touch of a button.

The semi-automatic ones would require some form of manual work from you. However, instead of being a disadvantage, it can give you more control over the brewing process so you can get the final result that is closer to your expectations, and how you want it to turn out in the end.

The final group to look out for is the manual espresso coffee machine. Personally, I loved these machines as they would give me the freedom and power to choose just how I want my coffee to be brewed. There are no automatic buttons, just press the sturdy handle and it is ready to go.

The market is flooded with thousands of different models of espresso coffee machines, so how do we choose which brand to buy? There are some popular names around that offer good versions of these espresso coffee machines that you may want to check out.

The most popular names out there would include names such as Krups, Bosch, Capresso; they are known to make excellent espresso coffee machines that for goods value for money. If you are looking to buy one, here are some features you should look out for. If you are going g for the fully automatic ones, check the integrated burr grinder, the bean hopper should be of high capacity, a powerful heater plus automatic cleaning cycles. If you get one with a frothing feature, you get to enjoy delicious tantalizing lattes too! For the semi-automatic models, get one that comes with stainless steel parts which would include the boiler, the portafilters and other components.

But as far as I am concerned, I am obsessed with the manual espresso coffee machines. There are wonderful and they let me choose how I want that coffee to be brewed and the end result. My espresso coffee machine comes with stainless parts and chrome plating so the most important delicate parts doesn't com in contacts with water and coffee during the brewing process. I avoid models that come with plastic parts. Plastic and hot coffee just doesn't get along together.

For any serious coffee drinker like I am, investing in a good espresso coffee machine can be a good decision. Just imagine getting home to a nicely brewed delicious coffee or starting the day with one. It is certainly one treat you would not want to miss for anything.

Thanks To : Keurig B70 coffee maker

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