Friday, March 11, 2011

Choosing a coffee at cheap prices

Today an espresso machine now seems to becoming a stable item in any kitchen across the world. So what do you need to consider when looking for a discount espresso machine rather than paying some of the highly inflated prices for these machines today?

1. It is important that the machine you choose is able to push heated water through the ground in at least 22 seconds. In fact, the less time it took, the better

2. Steaming capabilities. Unfortunately this can vary from machine to machine but look for one that do not add water to the milk during the steaming process but instead use one that has a dry steamer. You will find such espresso machines will provide you with a higher quality espresso rather than ones where the milk has been watered down and so waters down the coffee as well.

3. The water reservoir on any machine whether it has a discounted price or not should have a reasonably large capacity so that you do not need to be refilling regularly. Really you should be looking for a discount espresso machine that can hold more then 35 oz of water. Also look for a machine that is not going to be difficult to use so go for ones that you can fill from the top rather than those where the water reservoir needs to be removed in order for it to be filled.

4. When purchasing a discount espresso machine look for one which has a heavy portafilter and heavy brewing groups. If you can find one that is not too heavy as this will only absorb and hold the heat that is being generated by the boiler elements. A lighter weight espresso machine will allow the heat to bleed away as the coffee is brewed so you will generally end up with a shot of coffee that is too cold and is ruined.

5. If you can purchase a machine that comes with a wider portafilter basket as this allows the brewing process to be more thorough which results in a better cup of espresso.

6. The warm up time. A good espresso machine should take only a few minutes to warm up, usually it should only take about 5 minutes maximum(even though the ready light may have come on after 1 minute). The internal parts of the espresso machine also need to reach the correct temperature in order to produce the perfect cup of espresso.

I would recommend you search online if you want to buy a discount espresso machine. There are plenty of sites which can provide you with the best espresso machines that you can afford. It is also wise to check out some of the auction sites online such as eBay and as you can find discount espresso machines that are almost 80% off retail prices.

My Links : Saeco Talea Touch Espresso Machine

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