Sunday, March 6, 2011

Cleaning the Coffee Machine Correctly

Cleaning a Commercial Espresso Machine & Equipment

The upkeep of a commercial espresso machine is important to ensuring that the machine works correctly at all times. Cleaning the coffee machine regularly will also prolong the machine's life and parts.

Cleaning the machine should be done at least once a day. Starting with the grinder, the loose coffee grinds should be brushed off with a bristled brush, using a damp cloth will cause the grinds to stick. Once the ground chamber is empty the inside must also be brushed. Liquids or cleaning materials must not be used in either the ground chamber or the bean hopper as these can affect the taste of the coffee. The bean hopper should be wiped with a clean cloth.

The important parts of the espresso machine to clean are the group heads and steam arms. A group handle should be fitted with a blind filter (a basket without holes) and a small amount of machine cleaning powder placed in, covering the bottom of the basket. The handle should be fitted into the group head and the pour button pressed. Some machine do have a pre-set cleaning button which can be used also. The blind filter and cleaning chemical will clean the group head and back flush any milk residue. This will also clean the piping inside the machine. A bristled brush should then be used to brush off any excess grinds from the group head & the procedure repeated.

The steam arms can be soaked in the chemical solution to then purge the arm and clean with a damp cloth. At no time should metal implements be used to scrape off milk build up. Doing so will damage the steam arm.

Finally the group handles should have the baskets removed and be allowed to soak in the solution for approximately 10 minutes, and then rinsed accordingly.

Friends Link : Capresso 303.01 Nespresso CitiZ Espresso Maker Gaggia 12600

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